As many of our customers will know. I am a wall and floor tiler by trade and still need to tile part time to subsidise the refills and to keep paying the bills. This is not always easy, the more time I give to either tiling or refills, the less time I have for the other. With the children and the household to run, Jenny is in exactly the same position too and as all mothers she has lots to juggle.
Our hearts are with the refills obviously. Meeting so many wonderful customers and making a difference to the plastic pollution and the environment really is a rewarding experience, the support our customers show us is such a buzz every time.
We are trying to build up the refills and be in more places with our mobile shop to make it become our sole income. We are on that road but we are not there yet. Trying to squeeze in tiling jobs in-between refill events creates its own stress. Working late tiling to ensure I can make it to the refills the next day or finishing tiling then filling containers for hours in the evening is a common occurrence.
Trying to do too much can easily lead to burn out both mentally and physically. I often struggle with both, I have regular pains in my arm, fingers and wrists. I get stressed trying to plan schedules for tiling jobs and keep to arrangements made for refill events.
I am learning that the more I stress and panic, the worse it gets. So the message from this blog post is don’t over do it. Don’t be scared to do less, if necessary, but do what you can to the best of your ability. Quality not quantity can be the best choice, make time for yourselves when you can, find something to help you de stress and step back when you can.
For me a trip to the coast, walk on the beach and a trip out in my boat is my release and escape.
If you are overwhelmed tell people, especially customers, most people are very understanding and supportive.
Most importantly keep refilling, yes for the planet but also because you now know that the more you refill, the less stressed I will get and the less tiling I will have to do….. (That must be all the motivation you need lol)
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