Stress, work load and refills

As many of our customers will know. I am a wall and floor tiler by trade and still need to tile part time to subsidise the refills and to keep paying the bills. This is not always easy, the more time I give to either tiling or refills, the less time I have for the

Exciting news for Purley on Thames and surrounding area

We have always supported the Green Purley refill service but unfortunately they have had to stop providing refills. However to ensure bottles can keep being refilled for the wonderful and loyal Green Purley customers, we have teamed up with the amazing Altered State. Altered State provide handmade zero waste items and specialise in upcycling. Not

Plastic Free Champion & Green Website Status

Hello and welcome to our first Blog. We are proud that we have recently been awarded Plastic Free Champion Status by Surfers Against Sewage. Across the UK, independent businesses are rethinking their impact and removing avoidable, single-use plastic. We have been working towards this both within Thatcham Refillable and within life generally. We have removed

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